
Premier Coal fully supports the principles of sustainability and places great emphasis on environmental management. The Company is aligned to the ISO14001 management system designed to assist in managing and improving our workplace environment.

The Premier Mine is located within the  jarrah forests of the south-west of WA from which river drainage feeds the Wellington Dam. The Collie Basin itself is a major water reservoir, being one of the few, high-quality groundwater regimes in WA.

The region has, for over a century, been heavily logged and is affected in some areas by the jarrah dieback fungal disease – phytophthora cinnamomi.

The Premier Mine has adjacent rural neighbours and is continually working at  additional environmental management controls for noise and other potential impacts.

Our environmental management program includes:

  • Forest management – conservation, clearing, dieback control, weeds and feral animal control, rehabilitation;
  • Water management – abstraction, utilisation and discharge;
  • Final void water body management;
  • Energy and Greenhouse;
  • Waste;
  • Blasting and general mine noise;
  • Dust; and
  • Community engagement, consultation and communications.

Premier Coal places great emphasis on leaving disturbed mining areas in a sound environmental condition, designed to be compatible with existing landscapes and vegetation and, where possible, applies the principle of value-added rehabilitation. For instance, a former mining area has been turned into a motor sports and driver training complex run by the local community.